
Iguazu Falls to Colonia (See Map)

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Early Starts and Late Finishes  
As the wind was slowing us down, the last week involved very long days with short breaks for meals at the side of the road. We resolved never to stop pedalling until our Speedos showed at least 80 miles for the day. On very windy days we put in 12 hours of cycling.
Once we had reached the requisite 80 miles we would set up camp by the side of the road. We aimed to be hidden from the headlights of cars so we wouldn’t be spotted whilst sleeping.
We had a lot of early starts and late finishes. Being almost mid winter it was getting very cold with Southerly winds bringing night time temperatures below zero.
Our camp outside of this petrol station was the last time on the trip that we slept in our tent. This was the view as we set off at dawn.
It was a chilly morning but we were in good spirits for our final leg in Uruguay.
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